


  1. Missing pages but gets some pages
  1. Replace Battery
  2. Try in another geographical area
  3. Bring pager to our main location for repair
  1. Missing Voicemails
  1. Check voicemails before 24 hours from the time they are left. They automatically delete after 24 hours
  2. If messages are missing, contact customer service for assistance
  1. Pager will not receive any pages
  1. If it has been raining, your pager may be suffering from 'water damage'. Water damaged pagers are not repairable. Please contact City Beepers for advice
  2. Payment is/was late. We shut pagers off around the 10th of every month. Please call us and we will help you get it back online!
  3. Tower might be down. Call City Beepers for advice
  4. Change the battery
  5. Call City Beepers for more help
  1. Display missing some or all of characters
  1. Display or CPU is bad. Bring pager to City Beepers for repair